
  • 影片受欧洲真实事件启发而创作,从一起连环杀人案调查展开,导演以独特视角将故事聚焦于病人、医生和警察之间的“…
  • A look at the life and work of Charlie Chaplin in his own words featuring an in-depth interview he gave to…
  • Jack (Peter Vack) is an internet gambler living in NYC. After the death of his roommate, he becomes fixate…
  • 泰莎·汤普森、莉莉·詹姆斯联袂主演独立新片《小森林》(Little Woods,暂译)。本片是集导演与编剧于一身的尼阿·…
  • In 1909, amidst the dying old west, Willie Boy, a long distance Desert Runner by Chemehuevi tradition, fal…
  • Ex-cop Jack Taylor earns a reputation for being a tough-as-nails private investigator who's not afraid to …
  • In advance of the D-Day Landings, paratroopers from the US 82nd Airborne Division are dropped behind enemy…
  • 豆瓣上仅有第一季(4集),未添加第二季(6集),这是IMDb上面的第二季剧集列表